6700 KingsPointe Pkwy,
Orlando, Florida
The Game Point Events center (formerly the OSC) is known for it's ability to host high profile sporting events
Sept. 12 - 13, 2025
We are very excited to bring you the Lake Howell Invitational.
WHERE: Game Point Event Center. 6700 KingsPointe Parkway, Orlando Fl 32819
DIVISION: High School VARSITY (32 Teams)
ENTRY FEE: $515.00
checks made out to Game Point Events
Address 7512 DR Phillips Blvd
Orlando FL 32819
ENTRY DEADLINE: Sept. 9, 2025
CHECK-IN: Starts at 4pm on Friday, with live play at 5pm
HOTEL: This is a Stay-n-play event. For hotel reservations BOOK HERE
QUESTIONS: For questions concerning this invitation, please email kimberly_vach@scps.k12.fl.us
FACILITY RULES: Due to the incidents in the previous years, there will be a NO TOLERANCE policy for misbehavior by players/teams and spectators in the venues Ball Handling is allowed on the volleyball courts only.
Coolers and outside food and drink are NOT ALLOWED in the playing facilities. Only water and sports drinks may be brought inside the facilities.
Violation of these policies or any other general misbehaviors may result in IMMEDIATE dismissal from the facility for the remainder of the day.
ATHLETIC TRAINERS: There will be a athletic trainers available to tape and assist with minor injuries and serve as a first responder to more serious injuries.
Athletes must provide tape and pre-warp for any pre-existing needs. Tape and pre-wrap are only provided by the tournament for emergency purposes.​